Wednesday 26 December 2018


Writing test.
There will be two tasks which you have to complete. That means that you have to write ONE text from each task.
Task 1: option A OR option B.
Task 2: option A OR option B
By the end of the test, you should have completed the two tasks, that means that you will have written ONE text from Task 1 AND one text from Task 2.
Approximate length: 200 words per text
Approximate time limit: 2 hours

CONTENTS FOR THE WRITING AND MONOLOGUE (subject to possible changes)

Here is the list of the proposed topics both for the writing test and speaking monologues.
*What qualities o traits of character are important in a friend? And in a workmate? And in your better half? How would you describe yourself?
*Regarding love and relationships, what is the best way to find a partner? Online? Face to face? Others? Can you give an example of the process involving a relationship from the very beginning?
*Is complimenting a woman on her physical aspect a chauvinistic behaviour? Should catcalling and wolf whistling be considered sexual harassment?
*How would you define a good politician? Can we trust democracy after Brexit, Trump's election and Vox? What should be the priorities for any government?
*If you had to decide between going on holiday to a modern, spotless, well-run, affluent city full of art galleries and museums or to an ancient, chaotic, lively, sprawling, inspiring, exotic city full of colours, smells and adventure, which one would you choose?
*Are foreign traditions like Santa Claus, Black Friday and Halloween destroying our culture? What are the traditions which better define us? How do you think foreigners see us?

Monologue: speak for 5 minutes. Preparation time 3 minutes. Notes can be taken and used as a guideline.

Debates: speak for 6 minutes. Preparation time 3 minutes. Notes can be taken and used as a guideline. The topics are these:

*Convince your partner that the city you'd like to visit is the best holiday option.
*Convince your partner that the profile you've chosen is the best match for your friend.
*Convince your that online dating is better/ Convince your partner that face to face dating is better.
*Convince your partner that catcalling is not always bad/Convince your partner that catcalling is always unacceptable 

*Convince your partner that keeping our traditions alive is the only way to preserve our identity/Convince your partner that traditions are outdated and that they represent an obscure, male-dominated conservative mentality
*Convince your partner that going to the USA to celebrate Groundhog Day is the best holiday option/Convince your partner that going to the UK to celebrate Bonfire Night is the best holiday option. 
(You've won the lottery so money isn't a problem)

Monday 24 December 2018


I will publish the contents for the semester tests very soon. Don't panic and enjoy the holidays!